Monday, November 25, 2019

The Crusdes essays

The Crusdes essays Three crusades transformed Western Europe; these crusades had many affects. Crusades come from the Latin word crux meaning cross and crusaders, the men who fought in the crusades vowed to take up the cross. During the first crusade Arab Muslims conquered Jerusalem and the entire region of Palestine. The new rulers allowed the Christian pilgrims to travel in between Jerusalem without trouble. About 400 years later, the Seljuk Turks obtained control if Jerusalem. After the Turks took possession, Palestine was left in pandemonium. The Byzantine Empire was threatened by the Seljuks, and even Constantinople; the threats caused the emperor of Byzantine to demand aid from the West. Pope Urban II summoned for a crusade that asked the Christians of Europe to quit fighting each other and help to steal Palestine from the Seljuks. During the first crusade many Jews were killed, as well as entire Jewish communities as many disliked the non-Christian peoples. The crusaders finally reached the Jerusalem, which caused the holy city to fall. The second crusade came soon after the first, only about 50 years later. The Seljuks soon conquered Palestine again, which meant another crusade was about to take form. Pope Eugenius IV called for a second crusade to reclaim the territory. King Louis VII as well as the Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III both led their armies to battle in Palestine. The second crusade was unsuccessful because of the clashing of the two men. The third crusade was known as the Crusade of Kings. Even though this crusade lasted nearly four years, it was no more successful than that of the second crusade. The overall effects of the crusades on Western Europe were very significant. They helped to break down feudalism and increase kings authority. The crusaders contact with the more advanced Byzantine and Muslim civilizations helped to widen the Europeans views of the world. Many citie ...

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